Celebrate the heroes of healthcare with our free, printable nurse coloring pages!
Explore illustrations of nurses in action, medical tools, and hospital scenes. Let your creativity shine and bring these dedicated professionals to life with vibrant colors!
Nurse Er Urgent Scenario Coloring Sheet

Nurse Emergency Room Critical Situation

Nurse Ed Emergency Illustration

Nurse Superhero Coloring Page

Nursing Coloring Page

Anime Nurse Coloring Page

Caring Nurse Coloring Sheet

Compassionate Nurse To Color

Nurse Answering A Phone Call In The Hospital Coloring Page

Kind Nurse

Friendly Nurse Drawing To Color


Physician Coloring Sheet

Nurse’s Tools
Physician Equipment Coloring Page

Medical Instruments Drawing To Color

Doctor Tools

Doctor Supplies Illustration

Nurse Uniform

Nurse Outfit Coloring Sheet

Nurse Attire Drawing To Color

Nurse Emergency Department Serious Case To Color

Colors to Use for a Nurse Coloring Page
White for the classic nurse outfit. Blues, pinks, and purples for accents like scrubs or supply colors.
Hey there, add some extra cheer to your nurse scenes! Maybe their stethoscope has multicolored ear pieces or their shoes have fun patterns – brighten up that caring spirit!
How to Color a Nurse Coloring Page in Detail
A. Color Combinations: For a nurse’s uniform, use a bright white base. Add blue accents like a navy polo shirt underneath.
B. Highlighting and Shadows: On a stethoscope or medical equipment, use grays for the base. Add highlights with white and shade the curved areas using black.
Interactive Coloring Challenge: Appreciation Artistic Ode
Show your gratitude for nurses and their selfless work by thoughtfully coloring the scene using colors and imagery that represent their caring roles.
For example, incorporate soft pinks and whites for their nurturing presence. Or try coloring their tools and equipment in reassuring blues to reflect nursing’s healing mission. This purposeful use of meaningful colors is a creative way to convey heartfelt appreciation.
3 DIY Nurse Crafts
Get ready to craft up some caring and creative projects!
Popsicle Stick Nurse Dolls
You’ll Need:
- Nurse coloring pages
- Popsicle/craft sticks
- Scissors
- Markers, crayons or paint
- Glue
- Fabric scraps or yarn
- Color the nurse designs on the coloring pages.
- Cut out pieces like head, body, hat, etc.
- Glue the pieces onto popsicle stick doll shapes.
- Use fabric or yarn for clothing, hair, etc.
- Add any other decorative details to the nurse dolls.
Get Well Cards
You’ll Need:
- Nurse/medical coloring pages
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Crayons, markers, stickers
- Color the nurse characters and get well icons.
- Cut out the colored pieces.
- Fold construction paper in half to make cards.
- Glue the cut-outs onto the front of the cards.
- Decorate and write get well messages inside.
Pom Pom Nurse Accessories
You’ll Need:
- Nurse coloring pages with accessories
- Pom poms
- Cardboard or construction paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Crayons or markers
- Color the nurse accessories like stethoscopes, thermometers, etc.
- Cut out the colored accessory shapes.
- Glue the cut-outs onto cardboard bases.
- Glue pom poms onto the accessories as decorations.
- Use markers to add any other details.